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Jul 5, 2012

How To Remove Genuine Advantage

Our topic for today is about how to remove genuine advantage in Windows Xp and Windows 7. There are 3 ways in removing genuine advantage in Windows Xp, through command line or CMD, editing registry and using of software. In Windows 7, we will only tackle using of software to remove it, we will not discuss further in editing the registry because it is more complex to do than in Windows XP. This is generally for beginners that doesn't know how to do it. This tutorial include images so that you will clearly understand and perform it well.



Removing Genuine Advantage Through CMD

1. Restart your computer and boot to Safe Mode by pressing F8 key on your keyboard.
2. After logging into Windows, Go to Start>Run and type CMD.

3. A black window will show up, type cd c:\windows\system32 and hit ENTER, this will go to your system32 directory.

system32 directory folder

4.  Below are lines of code you must copy to the clipboard and paste it to the command line and hit ENTER.
taskill -IM wgatray.exe
del wgatray.exe
del wgalogon.old

5. If all the commands successfully executed, the WgaTray.exe, WgaLogon.dll and WgaSetup.exe will be deleted in the Windows\System32\dllcache folder.

To take effect, you must restart your computer in normal mode. If there are still genuine advantage notification appearing after log in, then second option will be perform by editing into the registry editor.

Removing Genuine Advantage Through Registry Editor

1. Go to Start>Run and type Regedit.

2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify and delete the folder called WgaLogon and any content associated with it.

registry editor notify

3. Go to Start>Run and type c:\windows\system32\dllcache.

4. Show hidden files by clicking Tools>Folder Options>View Tab at the top, in the advance setting choose Show hidden files and folders and click Apply.

show hidden files setting

5. Run a search by clicking the search above, choose All files and folders and type wga*.* and then click Search. Wait until searching is finish. If files is found,Delete all files in the search result, if none then you are successfully deleted all files related to genuine advantage.

search result of wga

6. Go to Start>Run and type c:\windows\system32. Repeat step 4 by searching and deleting wga related files.

Removing Genuine Advantage Through Software

There are software called RemoveWGA to remove the genuine advantage notification just download the software and run to remove the notification. There are also another software called MUBlinder but just be sure that you have Microsoft.net installed or else it will not run.

Download link





For Windows 7 there is a program called RemoveWAT to remove gunuine advantage notification. RemoveWATT is easy to use just run it and after the process of removing the genuine advantage notification, you can restart your computer to take effect.

1. Download the program RemoveWAT.

2. Right click the program and Run as Administrator.

3. Wait until the program finish and it will automatically restart the computer.

4. To prevent this notification in the future, you must disable the automatic update in the control panel.

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